Blossom FAQs

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Account security

How do I ensure my Blossom account is protected?

We recommend two main ways to ensure your Blossom account stays protected:

  1. Log out after every time you login to the web, iOS or Android app. We will also automatically log you out after long periods of inactivity.
  2. Choose a strong password that would be difficult to guess. Store this password in a safe location.

Is my account secure with Blossom?

Yes, we take safety seriously and, as AFSL (Australian Financial Services Licence) holders, we are required to adhere to the NIST cyber security framework. This is the global standard in cyber security to protect you from criminal activity. We regularly update ASIC with our compliance to this standard.

We have strict account protection policies, for example, ID verification, forced log-outs and multi-factor authentication to help ensure only you can access your account.

Your data is encrypted and stored offsite to protect you from criminal activity. We will never share, sell or rent your personal information.

As for the investments themselves, these are held by the Fund’s licensed Custodian, JP Morgan Securities LLC, a global leading custodian.

Why does Blossom need my BSB and Account number?

We need your BSB and Account number so that when you make a withdrawal request, we know where to send your savings to.